In conflict, it is often wise to strip it down to more basic components. Is it "disposition" or "situation" that is the problem?
Take the Middle East for example. For the most part, neither party "cares" about the others' disposition. As far as they are concerned, the other doesn't register much at all. So, it becomes a problem of situation by default.
In Gaza, the situation is bad. In Israel, the situation is bad. The rest of the Middle East isn't too impressed with the existence of Israel at all, and so, Israel must maintain constant vigilance, lest its enemies' will be done.
So what do they do in Gaza? Hamas, likely with the backing of Iran, and other Arms-Traders, supply missiles to Gaza, to reign down on Israel.
Isn't there a definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result? Or bombing Israel?
What is to be done to stop the madness? Obviously, the situations in Israel and in Gaza need to be improved. The causes for the bad situations need to be reduced, and no, that does not mean eliminating the jews, or the Palestinians for that matter.
The situations do need to be improved, but how can that be done, whilst missiles are flying and exploding in the neighbourhoods of innocents? It's true that those who launch missiles, by definition, cannot be innocent. They may be doing their job, but as in dreadful times gone by, that is not an excuse.
So clearly, those jobs must be ended. It is not practical to end those jobs by will alone. Rather, those people may still be employed as "Military" or "Militants," but their duties must be redefined.
It's true that Israelis and Palestinians are ever-fearful of the judgement that is due them. The crimes of their armed forces are heinous, and the world-at-large is cursed to have to bear their company.
That said, how do we make "Bad Situations" better?
Forgiveness is a good start. Programs to make a better situation are needed. Action to reduce causes for grievance must be implemented. Disputes must be settled, in a manner that ratchets down the sense of unfairness.
Yet, there is blood on the streets, and cries for vengeance fill the sky.
Every Arms-Trader, or Arms-Handler should be ashamed of themselves, and for good reason. They may be assuaged by the money that flows their way, being part of a caravan of destruction. They may find false justification for their evil actions, and even humility in the encouragement of their comrades and supporters, but they are wrong.
The situation is bad. It has gotten worse, and it simply must get better. Whilst we have passed through one season of "good will," the world simply cannot afford this reaction to a global economy gone haywire.
What do Arms-Traders do when the market falters? Sell more arms. There is apparently a willing market, but it must end. Those who trade must stop or be stopped. Period.
The need for vengeance must be replaced by the need for improved living situations and security of person, property, and culture. The position of faith or religion must ever be put within a private sphere that has no bearing on public affairs, save within peaceful constraints.
It is a time to bring out people's better dispositions. Those that foster diplomacy and friendship, over those that perpetuate adversity. It can be done. It must be done. It will be done. Not for the sake of a "higher power" but for the sake of all humanity.
It is far past time to take up our neighbours burdens and make them our own. It is far past the time to care, not only for ourselves, but for our neighbours, so that most of us will avoid needless destruction in these uncertain times, and awaken the better aspirations of people everywhere.
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